Sunday, August 1, 2010

To Speak of Bedsheets

Let's first rewind back to a few days ago. I, being a lazy person, had not replaced my bed sheets for the past several months. Needless to say, I changed my loyalties to the "itchy" variety. The new bedsheets were awesome--green (or, more appropriately, mint), very soft (1000 thread count is not exactly "stiff"), new (who doesn't like fresh stuff?), and, most importantly, cheap ($25? What a bargain!). They were Egyptian Cotton brand, I believe--the one that always (at least here in my state) crops up at the state fairs for a far lower price than department stores. The best part is, they can fit deep pockets real easily.

Check out the King Size at Amazon here. By the way, that's also where the image came from, so no formal referencing this time around.

Well, yesterday I ended up letting a family member take a nap on my aforementioned bed (why they didn't want to use their own I'll never know), and, needless to say, not washing after going to the gym does make your covers smell rather unpalatable. I was unable to go to bed, and, alas, I have set a record for my room for smallest amount of time needed to change the bed sheet.

It's too blue, too shiny, too old-fashioned, and too new (it smelled like cardboard before my first night of "breaking it in") for my taste. But at least I slept a lot better.

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