Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Power of Laziness

I'm astounded at how many people don't like to read anymore. I've heard countless statements, including "I was always taught to make webpages simple, because people are too lazy to scroll down," or "If there aren't any pretty pictures, I won't bother reading this article." Where's all the fun in that?

Take video games, for instance. The good ol' text adventure games require you to memorize and to envision a world that has a limited number of consequences. They're pretty nifty. On the other hand, it's all text, and so warrants a little more attention than, say, swinging a sword with the WiiMote.

It's not fair to the author, who's obviously (or not so obviously) spent a lot of time writing about this-and-that for the reader. A few pictures of okay quality are easy. The written part is much harder, both to create and, apparently, to digest.

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