After a long love affair with anime, I've finally realized that there's nothing really for me there. There are boundless numbers of series that focus on fan service or just a horrible, run-of-the-mill storyline, and the few that don't have those aspects are few and far between (especially the fan service). Then we have the popular series, which I can't bring myself to watch because of, well, popularity (or just the length). These usually have a very generic storyline and focus on subplots to keep viewers' attention. Unfortunately, the only one I ever took an interest to was One Piece--which isn't popular here in the States but popular everywhere else. (Understandably so, because the dubs ruined the loyalty and belief that was the hallmark of the series.) So whenever I tell someone I like the series, they scoff and say Bleach is better or something.
Add that to the fact that Japanese animation companies just don't have the budget that US companies do. In fact, the animation companies often have to make the animation before the voice actors act, which is the opposite of what US companies do. People have argued that this makes the voices sound more believable and spontaneous. But it's not without some drawbacks. Take Avatar: The Last Airbender, for instance. The company making that was able to hire real martial artists for each of the respective races. And people complain about repeated action scenes in anime when there's just not enough money!
Then I started watching sitcoms. Regular ol' American TV shows. And I found that these were so much funnier, wittier than anime ever was. That's a sad fact, really.
I think I may bid "Adieu" to anime soon, but not yet. As it is, though, my interest in it is fast disappearing.
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